Benefactor wood roots tonic moves obstructions by opening the natural passages or pores of the body promotes perspiration. Benefactor wood roots tonic restore and strengthen the entire system, produces and restores normal tone. It would be one that braces up the whole system.Good for immune system, circulatory disorder, and prostate glads. Balances the female hormone system, and male reproductive system.
Recommended for people who have an active life.
Benefactor Wood Root Super Tonic Single-32oz
Filtered water, Cayenne pepper, Damiana, Saw palmento, Channey root, Ginkgo, Moca root, Breadnut, Aloe vera gel
Improve thyroid glands, prostate glands, fibroids, balance female hormone system, clean overian ligament, circulatory disorder, per fusion bloodflow
Take daily in the morning.
Adults take 2oz, Children 1oz
Sunlife Total Health does not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs as a form of treatment for sickness without medical approval. Nutritionists and other experts in the field hold widely varying views. It is not the intent of Sunlife Total Health to prescribe, the intent is to offer information to help you cooperate with your doctor in the mutual goal of building health. In the event you use this information without your doctor's approval, you are prescribing yourself, which is your constitutional right.